Stacee L. Reicherzer, PhD, Licensed Professional Counselor is a Chicago-based transgender counselor educator who’s the author of “The Healing Otherness Handbook: Overcome the Trauma of Identity-based Bullying and Find Power in Your Difference” (New Harbinger, April 2021). ’Dr. Stacee,’ as she is known, serves as clinical faculty at Southern New Hampshire University, where she supervised clinical mental health counseling interns. She serves as a community volunteer for Chicago area poverty and environmental initiatives.
Rae Hughart, Southern New Hampshire University- Clinical Faculty, Counseling
Talk Summary: Taking Back Our Power From the COVID-19 Bully
Stacee L. Reicherzer, PhD, Licensed Professional Counselor is a Chicago-based transgender counselor educator who’s the author of “The Healing Otherness Handbook: Overcome the Trauma of Identity-based Bullying and Find Power in Your Difference” (New Harbinger, April 2021). ’Dr. Stacee,’ as she is known, serves as clinical faculty at Southern New Hampshire University, where she supervised clinical mental health counseling interns. She serves as a community volunteer for Chicago area poverty and environmental initiatives.
“There’s something beyond me, my individual needs, and those of my immediate clan.”
The same strategies to deal with any bully can be used to fight the COVID bully and not just to survive but to thrive.
This is a lesson that 2020 can teach us, from the choices we make to protect the health and safety of those around us, to sustainable purchasing and consumption decisions which ensure that others have access to the resources that we do. This lesson can be expanded into helping repair damage done to the world and its people- including damage that we ourselves have done.
In this TedxNormal talk, I’ll present:
1) A method for seeing the world through the eyes of someone who lacks resources due to our actions.
2) How to expand this activity as a method for becoming better stewards of shared resources.
3) The personal impact that social and environmental stewardship has on us as individuals.