Pamela Crim is recognized as the leader of change in lives of women around the world. Visiting us from Springfield, Missouri. Pamela's talk "How the Photos You Take Can Change the Life You Live" explores how daily intentional gratitude can change lives.
Pardeep Jindal is an IT professional and a Wellness Champion from Apopka, Florida. When we believe in the human spirit, there is nothing we can’t overcome. Pardeep's talk "Live full. Die Empty" provides a unique perspective on living life to the fullest.
Adam Peterson is an educator and presenter from Morris, Illinois. Adam's talk "Make Someone's Day Yellow" will dicuss making the world a better place by focusing on something as simple as a color. Let's make the world a brighter place together!
Dr. Vakoch is President of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI). Visiting us from San Francisco. Dr. Vakoch's talk "Don’t Fear an Alien Invasion" will explore why we as a species should have the courage to reach out to other civilizations.
Ashley Quinto Powell is the founder of The Bossy, a networking group for working women. Ashley's talk "Executive Motherhood: Dynamos with Kids in Tow" will discuss balancing parenthood and careers. Ashley is joining us from Madison, Wisconsin.
Justin Sandler is a director, actor, drummer, writer, editor, speaker, and cancer survivor. Coming to us from Valley Glen, California. Justin's talk "Embrace Love Free... 3 Steps to Overcome Any Obstacle" will share how he leaned to EMBRACE LOVE FREE.
Dr. Jay C. Percell is an Assistant Professor at Illinois State University in the School of Teaching and Learning. Jay's talk "Make Grading Point-less: Eliminating Points to Foster Student Motivation will share a new perspective on points-based grading.
Dr. Raj Ramesh is the Chief AI Officer at DataFoundry. A renowned international speaker and consultant; Raj lives here in Bloomington, Illinois. His talk "How to think, transform, and thrive in the future" will discuss AI and drawing for creative thinking.
Sam Cullinane is the CFO of Zipi, Inc, author and podcast host, and is President of a women’s mastermind, Symmetry7. Sam's talk "A Case to Put Out" discusses a different way to think about sex in committed relationships.