Dr. Diane Wolf, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Bloomington Public Schools is an Illinois State University graduate ( ’89, ’92, M.E. ’94, Ed.D ’15) and has dedicated her career to promoting continuing education to all educators throughout the region, the state, and the country. A self-described “match-maker” in the field of education, Wolf prides herself on the ability to listen and make connections to people, programs and problems to provide solutions to issues facing the field. She is a member of Leadership Illinois, McLean County Leadership Program, ISU’s College of Education Hall of Fame and recipient of the Steve and Sandi Adams Student Affairs Leadership Award. This is her 29th year in education.
Dr. Diane Wolf, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Bloomington Public Schools
Talk Summary: Maslow Was Right: Schools Plan a Pandemic
Schools had to plan, pivot and prioritize during the Pandemic. The system of school changed and the leaders, teachers and students–along with families and communities–had to change with them. But, how did school decide what were the priorities and how to address them during the Pandemic? “Maslow Was Right” is a story about how one school district prioritized and forever changed their school system.
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